* Ratzinger: Reason Separated From God Is Obstacle to Peace Zenit.org. Nov. 7, 2004. Excerpts from an address delivered June 4 on the 60th anniversary of the Normandy invasion published by Vita e Pensiero, the journal of the Catholic University Sacro Cuore in Rome.
* Saludo a Juan Pablo II durante la audiencia de Su Santidad a los miembros de la Comisión Bíblica Pontificia con motivo de su Asamblea plenaria anual (20 de abril de 2004)
* Palabras de felicitación al Santo Padre del Cardenal Joseph Ratzinger, Decano del Colegio Cardenalicio (22 de diciembre de 2003)
* Discurso al comienzo del concierto del Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk de Leipzig, con motivo del XXV aniversario de Pontificado (17 de octubre de 2003)
* Saludo al comienzo de la solemne celebración eucarística con motivo del 25° aniversario del Pontificado de Juan Pablo II (16 de octubre de 2003)
* Intervención en la apertura del Congreso sobre los aspectos doctrinales y pastorales del Pontificado de Juan Pablo II, organizado por el Colegio cardenalicio con motivo del XXV aniversario de Pontificado (15 de octubre de 2003)
* Mensaje de felicitaciones al Santo Padre por su 83 cumpleaños (18 de mayo de 2003)
* La relación entre Magisterio de la Iglesia y exégesis. Reflexiones en el 100° aniversario de la Pontificia Comisión Bíblica (10 de mayo de 2003)
* Conferencia del Card. Joseph Ratzinger en el Congreso organizado por la Pontificia Universidad Lateranense con motivo de los 25 años de pontificado de Juan Pablo II (9 de mayo de 2003)
* Intervención sobre “El compromiso y la conducta de los católicos en la vida pública”. Roma. Pontificia Universidad de la Santa Cruz. (9 de abril de 2003)
* Intervención durante la presentación del nuevo libro de poesías de Juan Pablo II titulado “Tríptico romano. Meditaciones” (6 de marzo de 2003)
* Eucharist, Communion and Solidarity. L’Osservatore Romano, Nov. 13, 2002. Lecture given at the Archdiocesan Eucharistic Congress held from May 25 to June 2, 2002.
* Current Doctrinal Relevance of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. “The Catechism of the Catholic Church: Ten years since its publication.” Address of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger at the Catechetical Congress held in Rome. October 9, 2002.
* “The Feeling of Things, the Contemplation of Beauty”, Message to the Communion and Liberation (CL) meeting at Rimini (24-30 August 2002).
* Eucharist, Communion & Solidarity. Lecture by H. Em. Card. Joseph Ratzinger at the Bishops Conference of the Region of Campania in Benevuto, Italy. June 2, 2002.
* Intervención en la presentación de la Carta apostólica en forma de Motu proprio “Misericordia Dei” sobre algunos aspectos de la celebración del Sacramento de la penitencia (2 de mayo de 2002)
* The Ecclesiology of Vatican II, Conference of Cardinal Ratzinger at the opening of the Pastoral Congress of the Diocese of Aversa (Italy). 15 September 2001.
* Theology of the Liturgy, delivered at a congress on the liturgy held at the Benedictine monastery at Fontgombault in France, 22-24 July 2001. Oriens, Journal of The Ecclesia Dei Society.
* New Evangelization: Building the Civilization of Love, Address to Catechists and Religion Teachers Jubilee of Catechists, 12 December 2000.
* Europa, política y religión. Los fundamentos espirituales de la cultura europea de ayer, hoy y mañana. Berlín, 28 de noviembre de 2000
* La contemplación de la belleza. Mensaje a los participantes en el «Meeting » de Rímini, 2000
* Contemplar a Cristo. El significado del jubileo del año 2000
* Contexto y significado de la declaración «Dominus Iesus». Intervención durante la presentación de la Declaración «Dominus Iesus», sobre la unicidad y la universalidad salvífica de Jesucristo y de su Iglesia. 5 de septiembre del 2000
* Palabras de acogida al Papa Juan Pablo II en la audiencia de la Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe (28 de junio de 2000)
* Conferencia de Su Eminencia el Card. Joseph Ratzinger sobre la eclesiología de la “Lumen Gentium” durante el Congreso internacional sobre la aplicación del Concilio Ecuménico Vaticano II organizado por el Comité para el Gran Jubileo del año 2000 (27 de febrero de 2000)
* Fe, verdad y cultura. Reflexiones a propósito de la encíclica “Fides et ratio”. Madrid, 16 de febrero de 2000
* Culture and Truth: Some Reflections on the Encyclical Letter, Fides et Ratio, given by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, on Saturday February 13, 1999 in the Chapel at St. Patrick’s Seminary. The Patrician: Winter, 1999.
* Crises of Law, delivered by Cardinal Ratzinger on the occasion of being conferred the degree of Doctor Honor’s Causa by the LUMSA Faculty of Jurisprudence in Rome, Nov.10, 1999.
* 10th anniversary of the Motu proprio Ecclesia Dei, Conference of Cardinal Ratzinger 24 October 1998.
* Theologie: Wissenschaft vs. Autorität?, On January 31st 1998 Cardinal Ratzinger received honorary doctorates from the University of Navarra. The doctorates were conferred by Bishop Javier Echevarria, Prelate of Opus Dei and Chancellor of the University. The following text is Cardinal Ratzinger’s address.
* Question of Truth Lies at the Center of Theology, translation of Cardinal’s opening address during the symposium on “The Primacy of the Successor of Peter”, sponsored by the CDF. Monday, 2 December 1996. Taken from: L’Osservatore Romano, Weekly Edition in English. 1 January 1997.
* Relativism: The Central Problem for the Faith Today, address given during the meeting with the presidents of the Doctrinal Commissions of the Bishops’ Conferences of Latin America, held in Guadalajara, Mexico, in May 1996.
* Situación actual de la fe y la teología. Guadalajara (México), Noviembre 1996
* Christ, Faith, and the Challenge of Cultures. Given in Hong Kong to the presidents of the Asian bishops’ conferences and the chairmen of their doctrinal commissions during March 2-5, 1993.
* The Catechism of the Catholic Church in Context, December 9, 1992. [provided by National Conference of Catholic Bishops/U.S. Catholic Conference : Office for the Catechism].
* The Problem of Threats to Human Life, Vatican City, April 4-7, 1991. [Note: This consistory was a key preparatory moment for the preparation of the Encyclical Letter Evangelium Vitae]
* Update on the Universal Catechism of the Catholic Church, given at the Synod of 1990 [provided by National Conference of Catholic Bishops/U.S. Catholic Conference : Office for the Catechism].
* On The Nature of the Priesthood, Speech given by Cardinal Ratzinger on October 1, 1990 at the opening of the VIII Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on priestly formation.
* Remarks to the Bishops of Chile Regarding the Lefebvre Schism, given July 13, 1988, in Santiago, Chile before the nation’s bishops.
* Biblical Interpretation in Crisis: On the Question of the Foundations and Approaches of Exegesis Today. Lecture delivered on 27th January 1988 at Saint Peter’s Church in New York, NY.
* “Liberation Theology” A “private” document which preceded the Instruction of Fall 1984. Reproduced by Christendom-Awake.org.